Hey, I’m Sam

My Story


Favorite TV Show

  • Friends

Favorite Bands

  • Greatful Dead & Led Zeppelin

Favorite Song

  • Peacefrog by The Doors

Morning Routine

  • A power hour with gratitude, meditation, journaling, some sort of uplifting podcast or reading (and of course snuggling, feeding, and playing with the pups!)

Exercise Routine

  • Before back surgery I was a Pilates addict. Now I take full advantage of living in Colorado and doing as much outdoors as I can!

I spent my life building
a resume to impress…
What I learned.

What I learned

..with titles such as Transformational Psychologist, Speaker, and Best Selling Author but my world shattered into millions of pieces when I unexpectedly lost my husband. Instead of giving up, I turned my pain into my power and I help others to do the same by guiding them to be their true selves not who they think they need to be, by embracing their differences, and by living life on their own terms.


How I got here

samantha ruth - griefhab